Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Color of Tears

The Color of Tears

Because the tears do not have color?
While crying, I started to think.
If it was red as blood,
My clothes would stain.

If the tear was yellow
The color of joy,
Expressing grief
I could never

if blue,
The color of serenity,
I would not cry any more.
It would only be quiet.

If it were white,
As rose petals,
There were tears ...
But pearls.

Yet again
I was questioning myself ...
Because the tears do not have color?

If she was black
Only express the horror?

Why is it that the tear has no color?
The tear has no color ...
Why not always express pain.

If it was purple, how could
Expressing joy?

The tears have no color
Because they are expressions of the soul
When the spirit is crying
The heart says: take it easy!

If the tear had color
Should have the color of love
Or even the color of passion
That sometimes invades the heart.

Or maybe the color of mourning
That shakes the soul and calm takes
But does my being a cleaning.
If the tear had color
Could be red like blood.

The tear has no color.
Because it brings us closer to the Creator.
If the tear had color
I would just cry with joy.
But, the tear of nostalgia?
What color would it be?

And the tears of disappointment,
What color was it?
If the tear had color
Should have a bright color
As the tear is precious
God gave him the color of the diamond.

Friend, wipe the tears, e. ..

If anyone ever tells you that you do nothing
important, do not call, know that something important has been done, YOU! human being that arrow going through a spiritual experience.
You are a spiritual being who is experiencing a human experience!

a poem from one of my Brazilian Friend  
Cidinha Marya ♥

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